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File List | 1994-08-19 | 7.9 KB | 102 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 3 - Wordprocessing Programs and Utilities │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- BANDOC.ZIP 54566 03-04-94 BandIt complete information from user
- | guide. WP6 format!
- BESTH102.ZIP 195673 05-10-94 BESTHES 1.02. New revised 3,056,200
- | word (!) thesaurus. Pop-up, ultrafast
- | related-words dictionary. 16,520
- | entries with 185 (average) related words
- | each.
- BNR401.ZIP 30190 04-18-94 Banner 4.01. Allows you to create a
- | large banner using a standard ASCII
- | printer. BANNER contains an internal
- | representation of the alphabet that is
- | made up of standard ASCII characters and
- | will print any message on your printer
- | in a sideways banner fashion. Shareware
- | registration forms and manual included.
- | From Foley Hi-Tech Systems <ASP>.
- CAP2TEXT.ZIP 43044 03-19-94 Cap2Text - Capture displayed screens to
- | ASCII or extended ASCII disk file.
- | Simple background operation - using 3k.
- | Of memory. Features are easily
- | configured. WordPerfect format too.
- | User Friendly!
- CAP2WP.ZIP 44212 03-18-94 Copy screens direct into Word Perfect
- | document.
- EW7.ZIP 723272 03-25-94 EASY WORD 7 <ASP> Word Processor.
- | Easy-to-use Word Processor which
- | includes Spell-Checker, Line Draw,
- | Macros and built-in Backup System.
- EW72.ZIP 676801 05-27-94 EASY WORD 7.2 <ASP> Word Processor-
- | Easy-to-use Word Processor which
- | includes spell-checker, line drawing,
- | macros and built-in backup system.
- LM51C.ZIP 350448 06-13-94 LABEL MASTER 5.1C <ASP> PC Magazine
- | Editors Choice Mailing List program.
- | Label Master is a PC Magazine Editors
- | Choice mailing list program. Unlimited
- | records. Includes Report Writer, Form
- | Letter Utility, Search & Replace, Query
- | Builder and other utilities. Prints bar
- | codes. All laserjet & dot matrix
- | printers.
- MED_DICT.ZIP 45924 05-20-94 A 3600 word Medical dictionary for MS
- | Word (medical.dic) and for WordPerfect
- | (medical.sup). WP format is a supple-
- | mentary dictionary. Both formats
- | enclosed.
- MRGFAX20.ZIP 46227 03-19-94 MergeFax 2.0. A powerful new program
- | that allows you to mail-merge group fax
- | hundreds of PERSONALIZED faxes with Word
- | for Windows 6.0 and WinFax PRO 3.0, 4.0
- | (and WinFax PRO for Networks), all with
- | one simple keystroke. You can now
- | "touch" all of your customers and sales
- | agents at the stroke of a key.
- PERFPOST.ZIP 42389 07-15-94 Perfect Post is an automated way to
- | speed up, and ensure accurate towns and
- | States/provinces. This is a Word
- | Perfect macro that requests the Zip/
- | Postal Code then looks up the town and
- | State/Province and automatically inserts
- | it into your document. Harris Data
- | Systems shareware.
- QWERTY71.ZIP 87416 04-04-94 Qwerty 7.1. Delightfully easy-to-use
- | word processor with plenty of power and
- | dynamic help & special support for
- | LaserJet printers.
- REFILE31.ZIP 170786 04-24-94 REFILE 3.1 <ASP> Document Management
- | Software. Filing and retrieval of
- | journal or periodical articles. Browse
- | feature for authors, keywords, sources,
- | and document folders simplifies data
- | entry and searches. Formatted biblio-
- | graphies may be prepared with companion
- | product. IBM PC, 640K, HD. Writing
- | applications. A. STEWART BALLANTYNE.
- WPAPR.ZIP 423153 07-25-94 WordPerfect Disk of the Month files for
- | April, 1994 includes helpful hints,
- | clipart and macros for WordPerfect 5.x
- | and 6.x.
- WPKFRE23.ZIP 293958 03-20-94 WordPerfect 5.1 FREEWARE macros 2.30 on
- | a keyboard for easy access. These
- | macros are menu driven, user friendly
- | and heavily commented for easy chang-
- | ing. Developed for a 100 attorney law
- | firm. Good for small and home offices
- | More PC FREEWARE from Gabriel Fineman.
- WPMAY.ZIP 269371 07-25-94 WordPerfect Disk of the Month files for
- | May, 1994 includes helpful hints,
- | clipart and macros for WordPerfect 5.x
- | and 6.x.
- WSTYLE.ZIP 99290 00-00-00 WSTYLE 1.16 <ASP> Wintertree Writing
- | Style Analyzer. Helps improve writing
- | by identifying common problems such as
- | redundant words, wordy phrases, and
- | awkward sentences. Also displays
- | statistics that describe strengths &
- | weaknesses of writing.